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Sesame Oil

Sesame Oil is amongst the oldest oilseeds produced in India. It contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, Omega 3, Omega 6 and vitamins. Sesame oil, is rich in antioxidants. Furthermore, because the sesame seeds are toasted to make the oil, it can develop a burnt flavor in a hot wok. In most recipes, it’s typically added in the last stage of cooking or used in marinades, dressings, and sauces. Sesame oil is of vegetable origin and is obtained from sesame seeds by pressing. The sesame plant is similar in type to oil-seed rape and is cultivated in particular in the East Indies.

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Yellow Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is a fiery and delicious flavored oil that’s used in many cuisines around the world. Unlike oils that are merely infused with mustard seeds, true mustard oil is the fat extracted from the seeds of the mustard plant. Yellow Mustard Seeds come from the family of regular brown mustard with enhanced benefits, better Aroma & Taste. The yellow mustard oil is not pungent like regular black mustard oil and maintains the original flavour of the food. It is visible light in colour and is less thick in texture. Ingredients.


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