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Moong Whole

Moong Whole


Moong beans are part of the legumes family. And mostly are cultivated on all farms in western & central India as a rain/kharif crop, normally harvested in October- November month. Green Gram or Moong whole is an essential part of Indian diet. It is used a an important ingredient for preparation of savoury and sweets. Moong beans are the most cherished foods items. When they are cooked with spices they are nourishing and relatively easy to digest, they do not create abdominal gas or bloating in human body. Refresh Green gram or organic moong whole is a necessary piece of Indian eating routine. It can be eaten either whole (with or without skin) or as bean sprouted.


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Pack Size

100g, 10kg, 160g, 1kg, 200 ml, 250g, 2kg, 300g, 500g, 500ml, 50g, 5kg